About Us

Douglas County Association for Gifted and Talented (DCAGT) is a 501(3)(c) organization and an affiliate of the Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented (CAGT), which is an affiliate of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).

DCAGT's mission is to:

1) foster an understanding of all gifted children, and any subcategories of giftedness (including twice exceptional (2e) children), and their exceptional needs and 

2) advocate for gifted children’s needs through partnerships with educators, parents, administrators, legislators, organizations and the general public, and 

3) support the educational and social/emotional well-being of gifted children and their families and caregivers.

DCAGT’s objectives are to:

We respect the right of every individual to make his or her own school choices and invite members from public schools, charter schools, virtual schools, homeschool, private and independent schools to join.

We do not sell anything, and we do not provide legal advice, educational services, or mental health counseling.

DCAGT Officers

Jenn Stricklin, President 


Kara Reinders, Vice President


Roxanne Ahmed, Member at Large



Secretary and Treasurer  position open

Heather Groff, DCSD Gifted Education Office
